[LE8] - The Bigger They Are

Abandoned during the collapse of the Empire. Still in relatively good condition...

[LE8] - The Bigger They Are

Postby Ender » Thu Nov 01, 2018 1:50 am

It was figured that the factory would be a prime target of the Imperial Machine as they touched down. With the activity in the southern hemisphere, the garrison has been forced to redistribute forces, leaving things less than stellar around the factory itself.

Event: Tactical Stealth Action
PCs: 3

A multi-stage entry, it will require stealth, cunning, and maybe, just maybe, the Force being with you.

Stage 1:
To infiltrate the factory will require getting past the external guards. This will be a Stealth check, at average difficulty. Failure on this check will result in taking grazing fire, resulting in 3 wounds and 3 strain, as well as increasing the difficulty of the following stages.

If you are wanting to impersonate an Imperial officer or member of the military, that could be possible. You will need a uniform, or stormtrooper armor. This will be a Deception check, with two boosts from wearing an Imperial uniform. However, this check will be at Hard, upgraded twice (The Discipline of the sergeant in charge of the checkpoint).

Remaining stages will be posted after the initial infiltration rolls have been made.
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Re: [LE8] - The Bigger They Are

Postby Soren Lom » Thu Nov 01, 2018 1:55 am


A young woman wearing a worker’s uniform silently walked around the fence which protected the factory. She walked towards the entrance in a nonchalant manner as if on her way to a shift. While her nerves were slightly under pressure, she was able to get inside undisturbed and proceeded to head inside the building.


D8 Bigger They Are Stealth: 3eA+1eP+1eB+2eD 3 successes, 1 threat
12 Parsecs | Clawdite | Hunter | Explorer | Poly-Faced |
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Re: [LE8] - The Bigger They Are

Postby Cefey Raneth » Thu Nov 01, 2018 12:50 pm

Fighting wasn't her strongest suit, so some infiltration fitted her much better when the need for that arose. Fey easily managed to approach unseen, finding an ideal point of entry.


D8 The Bigger They Are Stealth: 1eP+2eA+1eB+2eD 1 success, 1 advantage, 1 Triumph

Triumph gives a pass to last member's Stealth, as per Ender on Discord. :)
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Re: [LE8] - The Bigger They Are

Postby Temra Zol » Thu Nov 01, 2018 5:51 pm

Temra had been curious about the Factory before and he was always keen to toss a hydrospanner in the workings of the Imperial war machine. So it was with great fortune that he came upon a couple of other would be infiltrators with similar intentions.

It was even better that Fey was able to shadow him past the guards, for his planned approach was far less subtle as evidenced by his large ax and armor.

((Using that triumph to pass stealth roll))
Iktotchi * Neda Ulaby Medical Centre Technician * Force Sensitive *
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Re: [LE8] - The Bigger They Are

Postby Ender » Fri Nov 02, 2018 1:11 am

With the cover of the storm, natural training and skill, and even the indecipherable nature of the Force, the trio stay out of sight of the exterior patrols, and most importantly, the AT-DP.

Stage 2:

The interior of the facility, finally breached by troopers, is a wreck. The factory has not seen use in a few years, and self-repair protocols have not taken affect. Dimly lit, it is a shadow of what it once was during the Clone Wars and the Dark Times leading to the Galactic Civil War. Stormtroopers and Imperial Officers patrol, but with scant numbers, they cannot cover everything.

There can be many things done here.

Computers: There are control panels with power here. A Hard Check, with a setback die due to the age of the computer systems, can be made to use the system within the factory, and turn on the assembly line, as well as the heavy machinery throughout the factory, though they are sluggish. Doing so creates enough distraction to worry the patrols. Failing this check could prompt a heavy response team. I will be spending a Destiny Point on whosoever makes this check.

Mechanics: Inert Battledroids, TIE fighter blaster cannons. Setting explosives. This is sabotage at it's finest. This is a Hard Mechanics check, with two setback dice for the bad shape that a lot of these parts are in after being left alone for so long. Narratively, this is going through the factory, looking for things to try and damage the infrastructure as much as possible. One Destiny Point will be used here. Failure will represent unable to create a suitable distraction, or ruin the infrastructure to help prevent the use of the factory.

Ranged - Heavy: There are Stormtroopers, Imperial Officers, and other Personnel looking to see what they can salvage from the factory, to help oppress the planet, and create a foothold to strike back at the the Republic government, which they view as illegal. Time to thin their numbers. This is laying covering fire, sniping out targets, sowing chaos amongst the invaders. Quick Strike will add here. Difficulty is at Long Range, with a Destiny Flip.
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Re: [LE8] - The Bigger They Are

Postby Soren Lom » Fri Nov 02, 2018 1:32 am

Terrah knew that the others were planning an infiltration at this moment through her channels. Her plan was in her mind as she went up to a vantage point high in the factory and pulled out her blaster rifle. Her heart beat faster and faster as she realized just how dangerous this plan was turning out to be... but fortunately for her the others would help create the distraction she felt she would need.

As she lined up her targets she saw a woman dressed in officer gear that seemed best suited for her plan, her shot rung out in the factory and the stormtroopers on the ground scrambled around in alerted confusion...


D8 Bigger they Are, Ranged Heavy, Aim x2. Accurate, Destiny: 2eA+2eP+3eB+1eC+2eD 1 success, 5 advantage

Adv being used to find an important officer and shoot them for narrative reasons.
12 Parsecs | Clawdite | Hunter | Explorer | Poly-Faced |
Carries/Wears: Heavily Modded Blaster Rifle; Model Q4 Quickfire Pistol; Survival Pack; Backpack; Utility Belt; Holographic Costume; Infrabinoculars (Long Range); Explorer's Knife
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Re: [LE8] - The Bigger They Are

Postby Temra Zol » Fri Nov 02, 2018 3:25 am

Temra saw the weaponry and potential chaos that could be caused with the leftover pieces that a less creative mind had not assessed as a potential threat.

With a few rubber bands a roll of tinfoil and some old power cells and engine parts, Temra was able to cobble together a quite serviceable device that would blow up a good chunk of the factory.

Bigger they are (2) Mechanics. Boost for mental tools, advantage from hydrospanner. Ignore 2 setback for gearhead, destiny flip: 1eA+3eP+1eB+2eD+1eC 3 successes, 1 threat

((Advantage from hydrospanner used to offset the threat))
Iktotchi * Neda Ulaby Medical Centre Technician * Force Sensitive *
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Re: [LE8] - The Bigger They Are

Postby Cefey Raneth » Fri Nov 02, 2018 9:38 am

This was a job that required her to use some of her toys as well. So while she let Temra handle the machinery, Fey took a look at the computers.

Punching in a dataspike, she waltzed through the old system.


D8 Bigger they are (correct roll since phone posting is a bitch). 2 Boost from Dataspike, Destiny flip for both: 2eP+2eA+2eB+1eC+2eD+1eS 2 successes, 1 Triumph

GM call on Triumph.
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Re: [LE8] - The Bigger They Are

Postby Ender » Sat Nov 03, 2018 2:21 am

Machinery came to life as the computer system slowly booted up, Lights flickered throughout the facility as Cefey, your handiwork and skill begin to highlight that no computer security system, even one addled by age and disuse, really stands a chance. Klaxons begin to sound, causing various patrols to look about, as machinery comes back online. Then, it happens, the breaking of security protocols, deploying old Baktoid Automata defense drones. Sienar never saw fit to remove them, because they were so effective. At your fingertips, the computer console begins to show the locations of the 'intruders', and the drones get to work, beginning to herd them towards assembly line positions... and something... special makes it's way to Temra through your machinations.

Which leads to the work of Temra, who's mechanical knowledge is able to move about, sabotaging various machines, causing haywires throughout the facility, explosions beginning to rock the factory. Getting the Imperial invaders to abandon the place would be difficult. Save for Cefey managing to unlock certain elimination protocols, and you find yourself able to access a bay of Droidekas. The monstrositys are able to be quickly brought back online with your work, causing you a bit of stress as they aren't exactly the most friendly droids.

Yet they roll out, engaging in ground fire with the Imperials, allowing you to continue the work to sabotage the facility.

Soren, your aim is true, you blaster fire deadly amongst the chaos. That officer, at a panel, was easily dispatched, but you could tell her pad was already plugged into the system. It wouldn't take long to get there, to try and find the information you seek...

Stage 3: You worry about those towers, let me worry about that walker!

Of course, the facility going up in smoke wouldn't be all for naught if the AT-DP on patrol outside isn't dealt with. It's firepower is enough to demolish light craft and guerilla warfare. But with the computer system of the facility under control, and able to access unstable materials the Imperials had come in, this may come in handy. Of course, this is also the perfect time to collect intelligence on the Imperial machine.

Cefey: At this point, you have two options. With your access to the computer system, you can begin to dictate the active droids to engage with the AT-DP, or try to access the Imperial computers that have been linked up with the facility, as well as any data transfers that may be accessible to turn into more... liquid assets. Either way, this is a Hard Computers check, with a setback die for the age of the computers. Codebreaker may apply.

Temra: The facility itself is a bane to the planet, or it could be a boon. Yet if it remains intact, it could bring more would be Imperial Warlords to peaceful planet, or even any other unsavory types. Sabotaging it, could give you enough time, and the others involved, to get out before things get too crazy. Of course, you could also just seal off certain aspects with your mechanical know how. A Hard mechanics check, to set some of the unstable material as demolition charges, and begin to damage the superstructure, as well as likely deal with any internal threats.

Soren: To get to the officer's pad, to see if it has the information you seek, will require a stealth check. Hard difficulty. Once there, you will have to shift forms to access it. Otherwise, you can attempt any other means to bring chaos to the factory as explosions and the confusion consume everything. You have one shot at this.
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Re: [LE8] - The Bigger They Are

Postby Temra Zol » Sat Nov 03, 2018 6:54 am

Temra knew the employment opportunities that the factory represented to the people of Noventa, but the factory had been abandoned once before, they could do without it. The lure it presented to the Imperials though could not be understated and he scoured the area for supplies, but in the warzone like environment of blaster fire, he was unable to make any real advances on his previous work.

All he did manage to achieve was a small distraction as some of the Imperials near the fallen captain spotted him and turned their guns in his direction with classic stormtrooper caliber aim, making Soren's path a little easier.

D8 LE Bigger part 3 (boost for mental tools): 2eA+2eP+1eB+3eD 0 successes, 1 advantage

((+1 advantage for hydrospanner = 0 success 2 advantage. Spend for a boost to Soren))
Iktotchi * Neda Ulaby Medical Centre Technician * Force Sensitive *
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Re: [LE8] - The Bigger They Are

Postby Cefey Raneth » Sat Nov 03, 2018 3:09 pm

Eh, they didn't need her to micro-manage the droids, right?

Fey was much more interested in what the Imps were up to, and her familiarity with some of their habits served her well in breaking into their system and extracting the information she wanted.


Accessing Imperial computers + the data transfers.
D8 The Bigger They Are Computers to access Imperial computers. Codebreaker removes 1 Setback and reduces Difficulty by 1.: 1eP+3eA+2eD 2 successes, 1 threat

Wasn't sure if the Dataspike would apply in this scenario, so did not add it in. :)
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Re: [LE8] - The Bigger They Are

Postby Ender » Sun Nov 04, 2018 10:06 am

Cefey Raneth wrote:Eh, they didn't need her to micro-manage the droids, right?

Fey was much more interested in what the Imps were up to, and her familiarity with some of their habits served her well in breaking into their system and extracting the information she wanted.


Accessing Imperial computers + the data transfers.
D8 The Bigger They Are Computers to access Imperial computers. Codebreaker removes 1 Setback and reduces Difficulty by 1.: 1eP+3eA+2eD 2 successes, 1 threat

Wasn't sure if the Dataspike would apply in this scenario, so did not add it in. :)

Feel free to add it in!
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Re: [LE8] - The Bigger They Are

Postby Soren Lom » Sun Nov 04, 2018 11:53 am

Terrah moved down to the ground floor quietly and quickly, figuring in all the madness she'd be able to sneak to her target with ease... but just as she arrived one of the stormtroopers pointed at her in the crowd, "Hey! It's her, that Rebel bomber!"

Another yells back. "I thought we got her at Tanab!?"

The other replied, "No confirmation! Blast her!"

As the blasts came flying at her through the air she struggled to shift her form and get lost in the crowd... but the stress and constant bumping into frantic people ruined her concentration...


D8 Bigger They Are, Stealth Part Deux: 3eA+1eP+3eD+1eB 0 successes, 7 advantage

D8 Bigger They Are, Stealth Part Deux, Temra: 1eB 0 successes, 2 advantage

D8 Bigger They Are, Change, 3 Boost from Adv: 2eA+3eB+2eD 1 failure, 1 advantage
12 Parsecs | Clawdite | Hunter | Explorer | Poly-Faced |
Carries/Wears: Heavily Modded Blaster Rifle; Model Q4 Quickfire Pistol; Survival Pack; Backpack; Utility Belt; Holographic Costume; Infrabinoculars (Long Range); Explorer's Knife
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Re: [LE8] - The Bigger They Are

Postby Cefey Raneth » Sun Nov 04, 2018 12:07 pm

Ender wrote:
Cefey Raneth wrote:Eh, they didn't need her to micro-manage the droids, right?

Fey was much more interested in what the Imps were up to, and her familiarity with some of their habits served her well in breaking into their system and extracting the information she wanted.


Accessing Imperial computers + the data transfers.
D8 The Bigger They Are Computers to access Imperial computers. Codebreaker removes 1 Setback and reduces Difficulty by 1.: 1eP+3eA+2eD 2 successes, 1 threat

Wasn't sure if the Dataspike would apply in this scenario, so did not add it in. :)

Feel free to add it in!

D8 Bigger they are Dataspike boosts: 2eB 0 successes, 2 advantage

So 2 successes and 1 advantage in total
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Re: [LE8] - The Bigger They Are

Postby Ender » Mon Nov 05, 2018 2:40 pm

Cefey: Slicing into the computer systems, and the physically networked Imperial datapads, you are able to break through their firewalls, and access sensitive intelligence. What you find is shocking. The Gladiator and her complement... are all that Verlasso has remaining of her fleet. Time and attrition has reduced her numbers, especially after several hit and run operations throughout the Outer Rim. They are desperate, trying to find someplace to just retrofit, maybe find some loyal to their cause, to continue the fight. Her forces are token at best, and this isn't some grand reunification plan.

This is the last, gasping breath of someone barely holding on to survival.

With the advantage, you also manage to find a small little rounded error in some data transfers that are just floating about in the network that nets you 1000 credits.

Temra: While not the devastating physical destruction one was hoping for, it is a distraction you are able to create. The Factory smokes, but remains standing. It will take months, maybe even years for someone to clean up the mess, make sure the countermeasures are shut down before anyone can have a chance to repair the thing.

Soren: Unfortunately, with the heavy fire, it is impossible to get to the information you were looking for.

The chaos of the actions allow everyone to escape, and others have noticed. Citizens, people unhappy with the "occupation" have paid attention outside. Riots have begun in the streets. Rocks thrown at stormtroopers are how it begins. Then small arms fire. The AT-DP is moved to try and hold off the rioters, causing massive damage in the streets, but calls the attention of former members of the Rebellion, even older CIS insurgents who had hidden here from the Clone Wars.

Two landspeeders zip by, some kind of cable between them, as they assault the walker, pulling it to the ground as they trip it.

The people have been emboldened by someone's direct action. In the face of such a display as a few days prior, someone or some group, has lit the spark of hope, that will ignite the will of the people to fight back.

The Factory remains standing, if heavily damaged. Morale throughout the city is improved, as people will not be pushed around. In the coming hours, news will spread throughout the system of people fighting back, causing others on the planet, and within the system, to see this as a fight that can be won.
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