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[D9 - LA] Death Rattle of the Empire

PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2018 3:50 am
by Ender
The Government Center was being overrun, or rather, liberated. Members of the militia, called up from the Farms, the markets, all walks of life, engaging with the Stormtroopers, Imperial officers, trying to free the center, to truly liberate the system from the would be warlord.

The chaos of it all, would enable a team to get in to the Governor's Office. Inside, Admiral Verlasso stood, her face a visage of stoic disappointment, as she looked out the massive bay windows. Her hands clasped behind her back, while Governor Deltiss was held by several Stormtroopers. She stood, waiting, watching, while the sounds of combat from the Imperator came over the comm, clearly tied up with the arrival of the damnable New Republic, that illegal government which she fought against for so long.

"So. This is what it has come to..."

(Up to 5 PCs, we'll play it by ear how this happens).

Re: [D9 - LA] Death Rattle of the Empire

PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2018 3:53 am
by Jelna Vawn
Jelna pocked her datapad and nodded to the others. On it had been cam recordings of her walking through the building the day before. "Y'all got a good look at the layout? I reckon some of us might know it better than their troops," she said as she unholstered her pistol. She checked the power pack before plopping it back inside.

Re: [D9 - LA] Death Rattle of the Empire

PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2018 4:03 am
by Cal Arcton
Cal was never the sort to miss a party. Especially not one where the Empire was getting kicked off the planet.

He was dressed in full gear, of course, with his reinforced duster over everything. And his hat, of course. That was the most important part.

Cal gave Jelna a nod. "Sure did. Nice job you did with that, too."

Re: [D9 - LA] Death Rattle of the Empire

PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2018 4:37 pm
by Yara Suhr
Yara nods as well. "I know parts of the building, but this is my first time on the top level," she says with a tight smile. "Not quite how I'd pictured it."

She had considered pulling out her old uniform, but she's not really here as Commander Suhr (Ret.) of the Rebel Alliance; she's a resident of Noventa, come to assert the planet's right of self-governance. Which doesn't mean she's left her armor vest at home... but it does mean that over it she's wearing a dark leather coat instead of her old tan uniform jacket.

Re: [D9 - LA] Death Rattle of the Empire

PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2018 9:31 pm
by Kai Wryssald
Kai was there, though he had thought to sit out anymore battles. Still Jelna had scampered off to get into trouble, and after this morning he wasnt having any of that. Take one nap and ladies steal your grenades and run off investigating the Schwartz.

"Ever think of a new name, Cal. You know, for the schwartz."

Re: [D9 - LA] Death Rattle of the Empire

PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2018 10:52 pm
by Korvalus Dunbri
An enormous armor clad figure strode up to the group decked out in old style mandalorian armor the boots clanging on the floor with a metallic sound Kor was already a large man and the armor added another inch or two to his height. The head visor prevented anyone from properly identifying the big man, but he didn't seem to be aggressive and anyone who could recognize the large vibro ax might have a clue who he was. Once he was close enough he spoke and any who had spent time around Kor would recognize the deep rumbling voice, even if it was slightly modulated. He hefted the ax onto his shoulder looking at the group, each member in turn.

"So, what's the plan people?"

Re: [D9 - LA] Death Rattle of the Empire

PostPosted: Wed Nov 07, 2018 10:15 am
by Ender
With chaos all around the government center, the group would not find much resistance in making their way to the Governor's office. Inside, the Admiral turned to face the door. Two groups of Stormtroopers with her, as well as the Admiral, as well as three armed heavy troopers.

"Rebellions. Always the same." She shook her head, both hands placed onto the desk. "Have you come to execute me?"

Re: [D9 - LA] Death Rattle of the Empire

PostPosted: Wed Nov 07, 2018 1:49 pm
by Kai Wryssald
With no one jumping in to speak first, Kai put in his two cents first. "I can't speak for everyone else but I'm not a big fan of executions.".

"I'd prefer if you just packed up your things and left, but I figure if you're here and not on your ship, that's not really a option."

Re: [D9 - LA] Death Rattle of the Empire

PostPosted: Wed Nov 07, 2018 2:50 pm
by Cal Arcton
Cal shrugged, his arms crossed. "Seems to me that's up to you. If you wanna go down fighting and call it an execution, then I guess that's how it'll go down."

He shrugged again. "Otherwise, we can deal."

Re: [D9 - LA] Death Rattle of the Empire

PostPosted: Wed Nov 07, 2018 6:49 pm
by Yara Suhr
Yara, one hand propped on her hip, nods at that--even though her heart is racing; yesterday notwithstanding, she hasn't directly faced down Stormtroopers all that many times, and the memories are mostly not great ones.

"It's curious to complain about rebellions, considering," she observes. "If the tyrant is much the same, why wouldn't the rebellion be? You're the only one here doing the same thing over again and expecting a different result, Admiral. But Ranger Arcton is right--civilized forces don't execute prisoners."

Re: [D9 - LA] Death Rattle of the Empire

PostPosted: Thu Nov 08, 2018 2:23 am
by Ender
"Except when those civilized Forces need to instill a little fear to keep systems in line. Though Tarkin was likely wrong in that practice." She tilted her head up, looking to the gathered heroes. Her fingers clenched against the desk, looking over to the Governor, held by some of her troopers. "Shootout in this room, seems like it would be a bloodbath." Her voice was calm, steady even. Her eyes seemed weary, after years of carrying on a war that was now long over.

"Though surrender doesn't seem like the right option. I don't intend to be handed over to a tribunal for war crimes committed over the course of the civil war." Verlasso's eyes narrowed a bit, looking to the Sector Ranger. "I don't think any of you here have the leeway to stop that. What authority do you even bring with yourselves, here?"

Re: [D9 - LA] Death Rattle of the Empire

PostPosted: Thu Nov 08, 2018 2:49 am
by Yara Suhr
"'Civilized' is not the word I'd use for Governor Tarkin, personally." Consciously or not, Yara's Core Worlds accent is at its purest and most crisp just now. She clears her throat softly. "However. For better or worse, Noventa is not, at present, a New Republic world. That distinction may mean little to you, but the Republic respects the sovereignty of independent planets." The implicit but unspoken clause Unlike your Empire hangs in the background. "If you or any of your crew are taken prisoner here, it's the people of Noventa you'll have to answer to, for your actions within their solar system."

The corner of her mouth pulls up in the barest of smiles. "Ranger Arcton here is an officer of Noventan law. And as it happens, the planet's current elected leader is right here in this room. Maybe you should ask them what to expect." Green eyes track over toward Governor Deltiss--is he conscious? Does he appear in good health?

Re: [D9 - LA] Death Rattle of the Empire

PostPosted: Thu Nov 08, 2018 2:59 am
by Ender
Other than being held in binders, the Governor is unharmed, though he looks as though he hasn't gotten much sleep.

Re: [D9 - LA] Death Rattle of the Empire

PostPosted: Thu Nov 08, 2018 3:01 am
by Cal Arcton
Cal cleared his throat, although he did find a moment to flash Yara a quick smile. "Don't know how it is in the Core Worlds." He drawled. "But out here, we've got a bit more freedom to do as we like. Legal system's a bit rougher, too, so many times it's the sheriff who gets to make the call what to do with criminals." He smiled blandly, one hand coming up to flick the silver triangle pinned to his vest. "I guess that's me."

He gave the admiral a direct look. "So, if I'm makin' the call, it'd be this. Let the governor go. Lay down your weapons. And go. And don't ever come back here." His eyes narrowed. "And don't go makin' trouble for the next system over, neither. Or else we've still got a problem."

Re: [D9 - LA] Death Rattle of the Empire

PostPosted: Thu Nov 08, 2018 3:38 am
by Ender
(Alright. Sounds like this will be the perfect place for a social check to convince her of your intentions.

If you are trying to Negotiate with her, it will be a Negotiation Check, at Daunting Difficulty, Upgraded Twice. (Presence 4, Negotiation 2)

If you are trying to Compel her through Leadership, it will be a Leadership check, at Daunting Difficulty, Upgraded three times (Willpower 3, Discipline 4)

To Coerce, it will be a Coercion Check, at Formidable Difficulty, Upgraded Four Times (Willpower 3, Discipline 4, Two Ranks of Nobody's Fool)
If you have any other ideas, feel free to share them, however you think you'd best go about it.)

Re: [D9 - LA] Death Rattle of the Empire

PostPosted: Thu Nov 08, 2018 2:53 pm
by Jelna Vawn
Jelna glanced at Cal and back to the Admiral. "I reckon you ain't ever goin' to hear a better deal than that. Lotta folk out there that would sacrifice anythin' to take down an Imperial commander or whatnot."

She smirked at the others, a bit more sinister than any of her others before. "Look at us folk. We're just tryin' to get by. If ya go to another planet and don't cause a ruckus, then I'm sure ya could fit right in. Ya wouldn't go on trial for any war crimes, be they valid or not. It's a clean slate."

The next bit was a gamble, but she was willing to take the risk here. She could always deny the consequences later. "Ya could even endear yourself to the populace by helpin' out with problems. Don't have to, but could help with stayin' outta trouble."

The former ISB officer took a breath. "Best deal ya got is walkin' away with no expectations but to not cause trouble. I reckon you're a good sort, so long as you don't go topplin' any governments again, I doubt people'll bother ya."


D9 LA Negotiation with Admiral, Cunning Solution, 12 Parsecs Destiny+Assist: 1eP+3eA+1eB+2eC+2eD 1 failure, 2 advantage

Any other relevant boosts would be great!

Re: [D9 - LA] Death Rattle of the Empire

PostPosted: Fri Nov 09, 2018 2:17 am
by Ender
Verlasso narrowed her eyes, listening to the deal. "Not a strong position to be arguing from." She straightened up, adjusting the collar of her uniform, looking to the troopers holding the Governor, one of them leveled their blaster against Deltiss' head, as the Admiral looked down her nose at the group, a hint of a sneer. "From what I understand, a Rebel Fleet is in Orbit here, summoned by someone affiliated with the illegal government they purport to serve." A gloved hand came up to her chin, as she looked between those gathered.

"Holding this city is not tenable, I can see that. So here is my counter proposal." She narrowed her eyes. "I'll leave. I'm taking the Governor with me, in case anyone gets any smart ideas. If you, or the so called New Republic wants to see him alive, my craft will be given no harassment, as well as a fresh berth of supplies." As if to punctuate the point, the barrel of the blaster pressed hard against Deltiss' temple.

"How's that for a deal."

Re: [D9 - LA] Death Rattle of the Empire

PostPosted: Fri Nov 09, 2018 3:12 am
by Cal Arcton
Cal's lips quirked. "I've heard better. Is that really the best you can do?"

His eyes narrowed as he calculated odds.


DRotE, initiative, 2 strain rapid reaction: 1eP+1eA 0 successes, 2 advantage NET - 2 SUCCESSES, 2 ADVANTAGE

Soak Value: 3
Wounds: 14/14
Strain: 10/12
Defense (R/M): 1/1

Re: [D9 - LA] Death Rattle of the Empire

PostPosted: Fri Nov 09, 2018 3:15 am
by Jelna Vawn
"Better question is: would the governor be returned safely back?"


D9 LA Cool for Initiative: 2eA 1 success

Re: [D9 - LA] Death Rattle of the Empire

PostPosted: Fri Nov 09, 2018 3:17 am
by Korvalus Dunbri
Kor didn't say anything but his eyes narrowed behind the visor as he felt the tension rising in the room and gripped his ax tightly. He was coiled like a spring ready to leap at the enemy at the first sign of trouble.

death rattle initiative: 1eP+1eA 2 successes, 2 advantage

Soak 7 (8 vs. blasters and 9 vs strain damage)
wounds 0/20
strain 0/12
Defense 1
Fearsome 1