Noventa General Information

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Noventa General Information

Postby Flession » Mon Oct 01, 2018 4:53 am

Noventa.png (1.14 MiB) Viewed 6074 times

Astronavigation Data: Noventa System, Frontier Sector, Outer Rim/Wild Space
Orbital Metrics: 473 days per year / 28 hours per day
Government: None
Population: 748,000 (Humans 47%, Mirialan 21%, Twi’lek 10%, Zabrak 7%, Other 15%)
Languages: Basic, Huttese, Sy Bisti trade language, Mirialan
Terrain: mountains, plains, forests, swamplands, tropical forest
Major Cities: Noventa City, Charnel Gulch, Providencetown
Areas of Interest: Mount Hamankarn, Ancient Ruins, Battle of Noventa debris field
Major Exports: agricultural goods, raw materials
Major Imports: medical supplies, technology
Trade Route: Confederacy Spur
Special Conditions: None
Background: Noventa was discovered during the last great colonization expansion of the Outer Rim. Found rich in raw materials and a temperate climate with extremes on the poles, it was ripe for colonizing. A quiet planet, it played no major importance in galactic affairs. Until the Clone Wars. The CIS were quick to absorb the material rich planet for use in war manufacturing, and placed a ship foundry, as well as a small armada around it. A hot spot during the Outer Rim Sieges. A massive battle took place in orbit. Debris of capital ships, Starfighters, and droids have created an artificial ring system around the planet.

Fighting continued throughout the Clone Wars until the end of the war. Jedi General Tikka Finar was amongst the casualties, a Mirialan who had successfully led her Clones and Republic Navy into breaking the Separatist blockade around the planet during the Sieges. During the Dark Times/Rise of the Empire era, Sienar Fleet Systems had taken control of the former separatist foundry, using it to produce V-Wings and the new TIE/ln. While nominally under Imperial control, the Moff over the Frontier Sector was particularly corrupt, and allowed Black Sun interests to thrive on planet, so long as Sienar was undisrupted.

A Rebel Cell, called the Noventa Marshals, formed on planet, originally aligned with Saw Guerrera’s partisans, but later joined the Alliance to Restore the Republic. They were instrumental in bombing the Sienar factory, and helping to smuggle raw materials and starship parts to the Rebel Alliance. After the Galactic Civil War, Noventa has fallen by the wayside as the New Republic struggles to consolidate their fledgling government and bring worlds into them. Without the Imperial Bureaucracy to keep trade systems up to date, the planetary government has collapsed, each town struggling to maintain order. All the while, the Black Sun has flooded the black market, and seeks to use the planet to raise their own foothold in the chaos of the restoration of the Republic. The only true law in the area is a group of Sector Rangers who have established an outpost in Noventa City.
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