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Momma needs a new arm [D8, EM]

PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2018 2:17 pm
by Quinn Largo
Carrying her left arm in a makeshift sling, Quinn walked into the casino again. It was probably pretty stupid; to gamble in her current condition. But stupid was quickly becoming her middle name. She *should* be heading to the clinic. But she also knew that any procedure she was going to have to endure to regain the use of her arm was probably going to be pretty expensive, and she wasn't sure she could cover it with her current funds. So here she was, hoping to score big.

Re: Momma needs a new arm [D8, EM]

PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2018 3:45 pm
by Flession
Such a place was always open and always eager to take people's money. Surprisingly active for such a morning, as plenty of people in Providencetown try to make their winnings to get off the planet before things started to get worse. They were like rats on a sinking ship. No one wanted to stay and fight here; at least that much was obvious.

At least the only difference in the morning time was caf and juice was being served more than the usual alcoholic affair you've become accustomed to. Still, sitting down at the Sabbak table once more, the others give you a look around the table. "Looks like you've had it rough kid. Trying to play up the sling for sympathy, then?" One of the table-goers, a Bothian male, says to you with a bit of snark attached to it. It "Ain't gonna work with me, I want off of this kriffing planet before the Imperials start messing with the nonhumans again."

Re: Momma needs a new arm [D8, EM]

PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2018 3:57 pm
by Quinn Largo
"N-no," she said, a little meekly.

It genuinely hadn't even occured to use the sling for such purposes, but not that someone had floated the idea she wasn't about to let it go to waste.

"It's just... it don't work no more."

Re: Momma needs a new arm [D8, EM]

PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2018 5:16 pm
by Flession
"Well sucks for you, don't it?" He gruffs and stares at the dealer, another Droid to cover the morning crew.

"Heeeeelloo there everyone!" There was a happy-go-lucky tone to its voice; something incredibly unwelcome at this point in the morning. "Thanks for coming out so early in the morning for our game. Opening bets on this game is 100 credits starting. Please come to a agreement to the table and let's begin!"

Re: Momma needs a new arm [D8, EM]

PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2018 5:28 pm
by Quinn Largo
A 100 credit buy-in wasn't anywhere near what she'd need to make the kind of cash to buy herself a proper arm... but it was a start.

"A 100 credits," she said, using her good arm to toss them in.

Re: Momma needs a new arm [D8, EM]

PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2018 6:05 pm
by Flession
The others at the table agree with the amount to play in and the round begins.

+ or - Once More: 1eF 1 Dark Side

Re: Momma needs a new arm [D8, EM]

PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2018 6:27 pm
by Quinn Largo
Quinn started off slow as usual. The first round was always about lulling your opponents into a false sense of security... and to check out what sort of skill they were working with.

Cool, Gambling, Round #1: 4eA+2eD 2 successes, 1 advantage

(Turns into 1 sux, 1 threat? Quinn wins back her 100 credits?)

Re: Momma needs a new arm [D8, EM]

PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2018 6:30 pm
by Flession
((1 suxx 0 advantage, so yeah, get your money back))

Well, it's always worse to lose your credits than to not. It was a decent hand, decent enough anyways. Hopefully next time will be better.

The Bothan smiles at his luck, pulling in a few more credits. "Stick around kid, you may be the good luck charm I need to get off this planet."

The motion to turn up the credits appears before you. You can decide how many credits this turn.

Re: Momma needs a new arm [D8, EM]

PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2018 6:35 pm
by Quinn Largo
"Since we're all looking to score big enough to get something," she said, looking around the table, "An arm. Passage off-world and the like. How about we raise the bet a good deal? It'll get you to your goal quicker if you win you know. So, how much is everyone comfortable betting?"

She didn't want to scare half the table away again with a bet that was too high for comfort, but she also wanted to convince them to bet high, so she dropped the ball in their court first.

Re: Momma needs a new arm [D8, EM]

PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2018 6:51 pm
by Flession
"Only takes bout a 1000 credits to get off world, kid." The Bothan says nodding the others looked around. "500 then."

Re: Momma needs a new arm [D8, EM]

PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2018 6:58 pm
by Quinn Largo
"Yeah, but once you get off-world, then what? A 1000 credits won't take you very far in life, will it? But we can start off with a lowly 500 bet."

She dropped in a 500 credit bet.

Force die for gambling: 1eF 1 Light Side

Re: Momma needs a new arm [D8, EM]

PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2018 7:20 pm
by Quinn Largo
Once the round went underway, Quinn was up to her tricks again. Words were still her best weapon. Misdirection was the key to winning a good game of Sabacc.

"Well, that's too bad for those of you losing. Maybe we can raise the stakes even higher, get you guys a chance to get off-world after all? Or if that's too much for you, we can go another round at 500."

Deception for Sabacc: 3eP+1eD+1eC 3 successes, 1 advantage

+1500 credits (so a 1000 profit). +1 conflict.

Re: Momma needs a new arm [D8, EM]

PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2018 7:46 pm
by Flession
The others look at your hand and sigh, moving on to another table. "Fine...700 credits " the Bothan says, hoping this time has luck go his way.

Re: Momma needs a new arm [D8, EM]

PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2018 7:51 pm
by Quinn Largo
"What, with just the three of us?" She watched the others leave. "Come on, do you know how much my medical costs are going to be? 700 won't pay the bills. How about we make it an even 1000?"

Convincing them: 3eP+1eA+2eD 3 successes, 1 advantage

Re: Momma needs a new arm [D8, EM]

PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2018 8:47 pm
by Flession
The Bothian looks over at you and nods. "Easiest money I ever made, kid. Hope you enjoy your stump. Promise I'll think of you." Another person seems eager to join in now to get a chance to earn that money

Gambling: 1eF 1 Dark Side

Re: Momma needs a new arm [D8, EM]

PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2018 8:54 pm
by Quinn Largo
"You're not a nice person, you know that right?"

Maybe the insult was getting to her, but this was not her best game. The credits she earned the last round were now forfeit. Still, she wasn't about to give up.

"Another 1000, come on!"

Deception for Sabacc: 3eP+2eD+1eC 1 failure, 1 advantage

Second Chances; third yellow: 1eP 1 success

Re: Momma needs a new arm [D8, EM]

PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2018 9:08 pm
by Quinn Largo
The next round went no better than the previous round. Now Quinn was down a 1000 credits. Damn, this was not good. She was usually so good at this!

"You're *really* not a nice person, you know. Maybe one more? 500 credits this time, if we can get some more people to chip in?" She looked around, hoping she'd be able to turn things around.

Force die for gambling: 1eF 1 Dark Side

Deception for Sabacc: 3eP+2eD+1eC 0 successes

(Down a 1000 credits) +1 conflict (and another 1 for the previous round)

Re: Momma needs a new arm [D8, EM]

PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2018 9:33 pm
by Flession
The last two rounds have not been kind to you, for sure, but with a smile, the Bothian leaves the table with a nod. "Good luck, kid. Seriously." He throws a hundred credits you way as a sort of sympathetic gesture. "Just try not to lose it all here." He waves and leaves the table with a bit of haste.

Re: Momma needs a new arm [D8, EM]

PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2018 9:36 pm
by GrrKack
With the Empire returning, the contract for the planet seems to be in question. It was really, really annoying to have to be rejected from his proper trash worship. Still, he was here, and ready to earn some credits in the meantime on his enforced day off.

The he turned over and saw Quinn arrive at the table. "You." He grunts thru his receiver. "Tobday is the day I get my revenge against youb." He sits down at the table, ready for another showdown.

((Roll a perception check for me, hard difficulty, upgraded once))

Re: Momma needs a new arm [D8, EM]

PostPosted: Fri Nov 02, 2018 7:57 am
by Quinn Largo
Well shit. Not only was she down, but now people weren't wanting to let her win back her losses either... until a familiar environment suit walked into the place.

Perception: 1eP+1eA+2eD+1eC 4 failures, 2 advantage

((how many credits did the guy toss me?))