[EM8] - Clogs in the Machine

Mining town near the southern pole of the planet. Despite the subzero temperatures, the mining facility itself is near tropical, due to the massive volcanic activity that occurs. Mount Hamankarn, an inactive volcano, is located near here.

[EM8] - Clogs in the Machine

Postby Ender » Thu Nov 01, 2018 1:29 am

One of the Imperial Raider Corvette's has descended upon the mining town of Charnel Gulch. Commander Leo has volunteered to lead a tactical strike team into the facility, in an attempt to disrupt the recovery efforts. The ground based resistance has moved quickly, providing a land speeder to get to the mining facility early in the morning.

Event: Combat
PCs Allowed: 5

Upon arriving, the Raider has deployed their forces, a Death Trooper, with a red pauldron wearing Sergeant leading three squads of Stormtroopers. Small buildings, construction and mining equipment, pallets of raw material act as cover all over the battlefield.

Initiative will be Cool or Vigilance for the PCs.

Cover is easily accessible with a maneuver. The Death Trooper, A Sergeant, and the three squads of Stormtroopers are at Long Range. Each squad has four troopers in it.

Death Trooper is Adversary 1, Ranged/Melee Defense of 1
Stormtrooper Sergeant is Adversary 1

Death Trooper Initiative (Willpower 3, Vigilance 3): 3eP 2 successes, 1 advantage, 1 Triumph

Imperial Stormtroopers Initiative (Willpower 3): 3#3eA 2 successes, 3 advantage 2 successes, 1 advantage 1 success, 1 advantage

Imperial Stormtrooper Sergeant Initiative (Willpower 3, Vigilance 2): 2eP+1eA 1 success, 3 advantage

Commander Leo Initiative (Willpower 3, Vigilance 4): 3eP+1eA 4 successes, 4 advantage
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Re: [EM8] - Clogs in the Machine

Postby Korvalus Dunbri » Thu Nov 01, 2018 2:11 am

Kor wasn't a tactical genius or anything but he knew the empire intimately and knew how they worked and the kinds of targets they picked. He joined the fight at Carnal Gulch knowing the empire would see it as a weakspot to keep down. If they wanted a hope of pushing the empire back they needed to get every area to full strength. Kor arrived and was ready to work, clad into his armor the massive man cut an imposing figure. He delivered orders for defense with military efficiency Cleaver was in hand and ready for use, at this point Kor realized while it was part of him he didn't love, The Butcher was more useful right now than Korvalus was.

as the enemy touched down and advanced Kor sprung into action, leading from the front as always he moved forward up to some cover and waiting for the right time to charge.

vigilance initiative auto boost from armor: 1eP+2eA 1 success, 3 advantage, 1 Triumph

+1 advantage from armor
use triumph to maneuver up to medium

soak 7
wounds 0/20
soak 0/12
defense M: 0 R: 1
Fearsome 1
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Re: [EM8] - Clogs in the Machine

Postby Cal Arcton » Thu Nov 01, 2018 2:57 am

Well, Cal had told Commander Leo that if there was recklessness to be provided, he'd bring a bit extra. Guess he had the opportunity to show him himself.

He hit the ground running. As much as he hated that the Empire was here, part of him hadn't felt this good since retirement. He shot Kor a quick grin as the two ran up together, ready to take the fight to the enemy.

Clogs init, 2 strain 2 rapid reaction: 1eP+1eA 1 success, 1 Triumph
ImageImage Net - 3 successes

Triumph - advance!

Soak Value: 3
Wounds: 14/14
Strain: 10/12
Defense (R/M): 1/1
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Re: [EM8] - Clogs in the Machine

Postby CLL-MT9 » Thu Nov 01, 2018 2:41 pm

Clementine's arrival at the rendezvous point to board the speeder had perhaps been unexpected, but he looked ready to go to war, streaks of red paint sprayed aggressively over his chassis in clumsy slashes. He carries a metal club and a large, jaggedly crushed keg magnetically clamped to his chassis, ready to be grasped by his loading claws and lifted swiftly in the direction of his enemies. How word had come to him about the mission -- underworld scuttlebutt? an unsecured transmission picked up by the comm array in his head? -- seems less important than a willingness, perhaps even an eagerness, to "smash some bucketheads."

Clogs init, vigilance: 1eP+1eA 1 success, 2 advantage, 1 Triumph

Alighting off the speeder (it immediately rises several inches on its repulsorlifts) Clementine immediately rips a hunk of corrugated ferroplast off of a pallet and puts it between him and the enemy. It's as tall as he is and three times as wide, but hundreds of years of loadlifter design allow hydraulics, pneumatics, and repulsors to combine to balance it upright and level with the ground while he advances with a smooth gait -- a mobile bunker.

Soak: 8 (10 vs Strain)
Wounds: 17
Strain: 12

Large Improvised Weapon (Keg): 1eP+4eA, Damage 8, Crit 5, Cumbersome 4, breaks on 2 threat or a despair.
Truncheon: 1eP+4eA, Damage 7, Crit 5, Disorient 2
Unarmed: 1eP+4eA, Damage 5, Crit 5, Disorient 1, knockdown

Combat stats and ghosting instructions
Last edited by CLL-MT9 on Sat Nov 03, 2018 8:01 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: [EM8] - Clogs in the Machine

Postby Yara Suhr » Thu Nov 01, 2018 3:51 pm

Yara had said she was up for this, and it was a scramble to get a team together, and... well, at a minimum she knows one end of a blaster from the other, and can keep the rest of the team going if they're injured. Except Clementine. Even Yara's personal custom medical kit doesn't include a wrench set...

Clutching her pistol in gloved hands, while wrapped up in several pieces of her old insulated Hoth uniform and a thermal cloak over her armored clothing, gives Yara a dizzying sense of deja vu. But there are no transports waiting to evacuate Noventa; they've got to hold the planet, or a lot of civilians will suffer.

D8 EM--Stim application, self, Easy medicine (before fight if allowed?): 2eP+2eA+1eB+1eD 4 successes, 2 advantage
4 strain; recover 2 from advantages, +1 Agility for this scene.

D8 EM--Initiative, Cool: 2eA 2 successes, 1 advantage

Soak 3
Defense 1R/1M
Wounds 12/12
Strain 11/13
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Re: [EM8] - Clogs in the Machine

Postby Kai Wryssald » Thu Nov 01, 2018 6:50 pm

Kai really wasnt sure why he was here, he had no desire to fight these storm troopers, or protect the denizens of Noventa. Most of which had proved less then polite, and not really worthy of aid. Someone being for your help looking down their nose at you wasnt very encouraging.

Still Yara and Cal were here, as well as Kor and Clem, so he came. The big robot was a good guy after all.

Int for EM thread. 1 strain for rapid reaction +1 success: 1eP+1eA 1 success, 3 advantage

2 success 3 advantage

Soak 7
Wounds 0/20
Strain 1/13
Defense: 0
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Re: [EM8] - Clogs in the Machine

Postby Ender » Fri Nov 02, 2018 12:53 am

Initiative Order:

The Death Trooper, seeing the arrival of the Air Speeder, points to the departing heroes, her blaster rifle leveled, giving commands to a Platoon of Stormtroopers (Minion Group 1 will have a Boost die to their next action, due to Tactical Direction - Her Triumph used).

Kor and Cal use their Triumph to be Short Range from their allies, Medium Range to the Enemies
Clementine has used their Triumph to hoist up a rather large piece of debris as a movable bunker, providing moving cover to those engaged with him.

Current Layout:
The Death Trooper is at Long Range from Clementine, Leo, Kai, and Yara, Medium Range from Kor and Cal. She is at Short Range from the Stormtrooper Sergeant and three platoons of Stormtroopers.
She has Adversary 1, and Defense (M/R) 1

The Storm Trooper Sergeant is at Long Range from Clementine, Leo, Kai, and Yara, Medium Range from Kor and Cal. They are at Short Range from the Death Trooper and three platoons of Stormtroopers.
The Sergeant has Adversary 1

The Platoons of Stormtroopers are at Short Range of each other, Long Range to Clementine, Leo, Kai, and Yara, they are at Medium Range to Kor and Cal.

PC up!

There is debris and material all over the entrance to the mining facility that can be used as cover.

Above the battlefield, the Raider Corvette begins to turn her weapons onto the battlefield below, however, explosions burst from the side, as guided rockets from an old LAAT/i transport, followed by a squadron of T-16 Skyhoppers the Militia keeps as fast response begin to engage her. Essentially creating a battlefield terrain hazard of engaging around a ground based/airspeeder battle. Advantages, threats, triumphs, and despairs can be used to affect this (or have this battle affect the ground fight).
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Re: [EM8] - Clogs in the Machine

Postby Ender » Fri Nov 02, 2018 1:58 am

The load-lifter hefted the massive bit of debris, charging forwards to close the distance, as well as providing cover for his allies.

Convert Action to Maneuver, Maneuver again: Moving to Medium Range. The make-shift bunker provides cover to himself and any ally engaged with him.
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Re: [EM8] - Clogs in the Machine

Postby Korvalus Dunbri » Fri Nov 02, 2018 3:03 am

Kor was chomping at the bit for this fight and was perhaps just a bit too ambitious, he roared and charged forward throwing caution to the wind likely surprising the enemy with his bravery (or foolishness depending on one's point of view). But in his haste Kor actually failed to connect with any enemies but he straightened himself and radiated his aura of violence and menace to all those close by.

double maneuver to engage minion group 1 - 2 strain
action to attack minion group 1, 1 strain to upgrade melee

clogs in the machine attacking minion group 1, 1 strain for frenzy: 3eP+1eA+2eD 1 failure, 2 advantage

using one advantage for strain reduction
using one advantage to boost next pc

soak 7
wounds 0/20
soak 2/12
defense M: 0 R: 0
Fearsome 1
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Re: [EM8] - Clogs in the Machine

Postby Cal Arcton » Fri Nov 02, 2018 3:16 am

Cal had been about to dive for cover when the large, lifting robot with a shield came lumbering by. With the extra cover granted, Cal was able to take the moment to aim extra carefully. "Well," he said, his eyes narrowing as he raised his pistol, sighting in on the Death Trooper. "It's high noon somewhere."

The bolt sizzled across the battlefield with deadly accuracy.


Maneuverx2 - Aim
Clog, Shoot DT, medium range, adversary 1, def 1, quick strike, aim twice, boost from Kor, superior: 2eP+2eA+1eC+1eD+4eB+1eS 7 successes, 2 advantage, +1adv superior

15 damage. 1 adv activate crit, 2 advantage boost crit
DT crit, lethal blows, 2 extra adv for crit: 1d100+30 113
applies Temporarily Lame: Until this Critical Injury is healed, the target cannot perform more than one maneuver during his turn.

Soak Value: 3
Wounds: 14/14
Strain: 8/12
Defense (R/M): 2/1
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Re: [EM8] - Clogs in the Machine

Postby Ender » Fri Nov 02, 2018 11:41 am

The Deathtrooper's Vocoder garbled out a wail as the blast caught her just beneath the arm, sending her reeling back. Breathing heavily, she raised her her DLT-19, taking the moment to aim, as she unleashed a hail of blaster fire. The volley arced out, crashing into debris around the various combatants, though several blasts caught the aged Clone Trooper as he sidestepped out, wincing as the shots came into him. However, during the fire, one of the Skyhoppers strafes across the Raider, dodging blaster fire, while at the same time, firing away, several blasts landing in the area around the Death Trooper, sending shrapnel and debris around. While the heavy armor managed to deflect most of the shrapnel, it sent her airborne, knocking her prone.

Death Trooper Autofire - Hardest Defense Leo (Agility 3, Ranged Heavy 3, Accurate 2, Aim Maneuver, 1 Setback from Cold, Autofire, Long Range, v. Adversary 1, Leo Side Step for 2): 3eP+3eA+3eC+1eD+1eS 2 successes, 3 threat
ImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImage (Leo takes 9 points of damage, the threat was used to trigger a battlefield condition, DT suffers 6 points of damage before soak, and is knocked prone from exploding shrapnel)
Stormtooper Minion Group resisting Kor's Fearsome 1 (Willpower 3, Discipline Minion Group Skill): 3eP+1eD 2 successes, 2 threat, 1 Triumph
ImageImageImageImage (Kor's fearsome will not affect the rest of the battlefield with the Triumph)

The Stormtroopers, under the direction from the earlier command of the Death Trooper, drew vibroknives, dancing with the hulking man in close melee combat. Despite his impressive soak, the knives manage to cut in, finding themselves critically injuring the man, distracting him with the death by a thousand cuts style.

Stormtrooper Minion 1 Knifing Kor (Strength 3, Melee Minion Skill, Average Difficulty, Boost from Death Trooper Tactical Direction, Setback from Weather. Damage 4, Crit 2, Pierce 2, Vicious 1): 3eP+1eB+2eD+1eS 2 successes, 2 advantage
ImageImageImageImageImageImageImage (After Pierce, 1 point of damage, 2 advantage for a critical injury, +10 from Vicious 1)

Critical Injury on Kor (Vicious 1): 1d100+10 18 Distracted: Kor cannot perform his free maneuver next turn.
"Keep them occupied!" The Stormtrooper barked, leveling his Heavy Blaster Rifle at the Gunslinger, hiding behind Clem's makeshift cover. He takes a moment, straining to aim after giving Tactical Direction to one of the other platoons, and fires, letting loose with a volley of lightfire straight for the Gunslinger. Despite the heavy cover and the cold, the blast manages to strike true, catching Cal square in the shoulder, as well as showing an opening!

Stormtrooper Sergeant Firing at Cal (Agility 3, Ranged - Heavy 2, Setback from Weather, 2 Setback from Defense, 2 "Strain" to Aim): 2eP+1eA+1eB+2eD+3eS 2 successes, 1 advantage
ImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImage (Cal suffers 9 damage after soak. Tactical Direction Maneuver used to give Minion group 2 a boost die, 2 Strain (Wounds) taken to aim, advantage used to give a boost to the next allied check).

2 PCs up!

Death Trooper
Adversary 1
Defense R/M 1/1
Knocked Prone
Long Range - Leo, Yara, Kai
Medium Range - Clem, Cal
Short Range - Minion groups, Sergeant, Kor

Adversary 1
Defense R/M 0/0
Long Range - Leo, Yara, Kai
Medium Range - Clem, Cal
Short Range - Minion groups, Death Trooper, Kor

Minion Group 1
Defense 0
Long Range - Leo, Yara, Kai
Medium Range - Clem, Cal
Short Range - Minion groups, Sergeant, Death Trooper
Engaged - Kor

Minion Group 2
Defense 0
Long Range - Leo, Yara, Kai
Medium Range - Clem, Cal
Short Range - Minion groups, Sergeant, Death Trooper, Kor

Minion Group 3
Defense 0
Long Range - Leo, Yara, Kai
Medium Range - Clem, Cal
Short Range - Minion groups, Sergeant, Death Trooper, Kor
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Re: [EM8] - Clogs in the Machine

Postby Yara Suhr » Fri Nov 02, 2018 12:49 pm

Wincing at the bright flash from the cannonfire hitting the frozen ground, Yara jogs up alongside Cal and Clem, snapping off a shot at one of the other stormtrooper squads. It clips one of the troopers in the shoulder, but probably won't drop him.

Maneuver x2 (2 strain): move up to Cal and Clem's position, Medium from Stormies and Kor.

Action: pew!
D8 EM--Snow fite rnd 1, shoot minion group 2 at Medium, no cold setback: 2eP+1eA+2eD 2 successes

8 damage to minion group 2.

Soak 3
Defense 2R (Clem's shield)/1M
Wounds 12/12
Strain 9/13
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Re: [EM8] - Clogs in the Machine

Postby Kai Wryssald » Fri Nov 02, 2018 1:03 pm

Forward, everyone was moving forward. At least one of those people was carrying a mobile wall though. Cai quick stepped forward to join the mobile wall, gun pointing at the group of stormtroopers Yara had shot. A part of him felt sorry for this, but he opened fire regardless. It was his part to play at the moment.

Maneuver: move towards Clem as medium
2 strain: move to medium and adjacent to Clem
Action: Fire at stormtrooper group 2

Shooting minion group 2, accurate 2 medium range, remove setback from custom grip.: 1eP+2eA+2eB+2eD 2 successes, 1 advantage

11 damage to minion group 2, 1 advantage to boost next player

Soak: 7
Wounds: 0/20
Strain 3/13
Defense: 1R(cover with Clem)
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Re: [EM8] - Clogs in the Machine

Postby Ender » Fri Nov 02, 2018 4:11 pm

From the Heavy Fire of Kai and Yara, two troopers flail back, catching blaster fire center mass, their resistance stilled by enemy fire.

The remaining troopers quickly moved behind construction equipment, firing at the largest threat, the mobile wall.

Minion group 2 firing at Clementine (Agility 3, Ranged Heavy Minion skill (1 other in group), Boost from tactical direction, 1 setback weather, 1 setback cover, medium range, destiny upgrade by Clem. Blaster rifle, Damage 9, crit 3): 1eP+2eA+1eB+1eC+1eD+2eS 0 successes, 1 Despair
The remaining platoon of Stormtroopers each pulled a grenade from their belts, running ahead to move into place.

Minion group 3 has moved into Short range. They pulled frag grenades with their action.


Leo, seeing the troopers moving into position, widened his eyes. Rushing ahead with the group, double timing it.

"Jooba Worm Pattern!" He ordered!

Commander Leo ordering Jooba Worm Pattern (Presence 2, Leadership 4, Commanding Presence 2 to remove setbacks from weather, Average Difficulty): 2eP+2eA+2eD 2 successes, 1 advantage

Maneuver, strain maneuver to move to the group. As an action, Jooba Worn. All allys at short range gain +1 Defense to ranged
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Re: [EM8] - Clogs in the Machine

Postby Cal Arcton » Fri Nov 02, 2018 5:02 pm

Cal grimaced noticeably as the blaster bolt burned his shoulder. But, well, the fight wasn't over yet.

First step, make sure the arm was working again. It was working well enough to pull a stimpack from his utility belt and jab it into himself, anyway.

That let him turn his attention to the group of stormies coming up with grenades. Well, time to see how they liked a taste of their own medicine. "Fire in the hole!" He called as he grabbed a grenade from his pouch, priming it and throwing it in the same fluid motion.

Incidental - Draw stimpack
Maneuver - use stimpack
Incidental - Draw grenade
Action - Throw grenade at short range group

Clogs, grenade Short guys, 1 boost from Kai: 2eP+2eA+1eD+1eB 3 successes, 4 advantage

2 advantage activate blast, 1 boost to next ally, 1 regain 1 strain

11 STUN damage, with blast 11 STUN

Soak Value: 3
Wounds: 10/14
Strain: 7/12
Defense (R/M): 3 (2 once Clem moves)/1
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Re: [EM8] - Clogs in the Machine

Postby Korvalus Dunbri » Fri Nov 02, 2018 6:11 pm

The blades knick Kor's skin here and there causing little damage but was just painful enough to be annoying. They wanted to distract him and they succeeded. Kor aimed to make them regret they did. He worked his axe to it's grim purpose becoming a whirlwind of death.

Maneuver to aim
Action to attack

Attacking minion group 1, boost from aim, boost from Cal, upgraded by frenzy: 3eP+1eA+2eB+2eD 2 successes, 5 advantage

11 damage w/ pierce 2 to minion group 1, crit group

1 advantage to crit, 1 advantage to boost next ally, 2 advantage to give next enemy a setback, heal 1 strain.

soak 7
wounds 0/20
soak 2/12
defense M: 0 R: 0
Fearsome 1
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Re: [EM8] - Clogs in the Machine

Postby Kai Wryssald » Fri Nov 02, 2018 7:10 pm

Stepping towards, Kai leveled his blaster at the storm trooper sergeant and fired.

Maneuver: short to the sergeant
2 strain: aim
Action: attack sergeant

Attacking stormtrooper sergeant. Adversary 1, accurate 2, custom grip ignores setback. Aimx1 boost from Kor: 1eP+2eA+4eB+1eC 5 successes

9+1(point blank)+5 success = 15 dmg

Soak: 7
Wounds: 0/20
Strain 5/13
Defense: 1R( Leo formation)
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Re: [EM8] - Clogs in the Machine

Postby Ender » Sat Nov 03, 2018 2:46 am

From What Clem informed me with the Despair rolled by the stormtroopers. As they pitched battle above the ground fight continues, more blaster fire rains down, causing some fuel tanks to explode, fires starting around the ground battle. The suddenness of it, the stormtroopers find themselves maneuvering near their other compatriots.

Which, is quite unfortunate for them as Cal's grenade is landed at their feet, an explosion of nauseating stun energy causing them to seize, along with the other compatriots, before slumping to the ground. (Minion groups 3 and 2 are stunned out, removed from the fight).

Two Stormtroopers fall to the vibroaxe, the wicked damage tearing apart the plastoid armor, exposing black body glove and bodies beneath as the melee continues on. (Group is down to 2 Minions)

The Sergeant grimaces as the blaster bolt catches him in the chest, yet he remains standing.

The Death Trooper, standing, begins firing wildly with her specialized rifle, yet none of the firing find's a mark, however, she manages to create an opening for the next ally

Death Trooper Autofire - Hardest Defense Leo (Agility 3, Ranged Heavy 3, Accurate 2, 1 Setback from Cold, Autofire, Medium Range, v. Adversary 1, Leo Side Step for 2. Damage 10, Crit 3, Pierce 2): 3eP+2eB+3eC+1eS 0 successes, 2 advantage
Setback from Jooba Worm Pattern: 1eS 0 successes, 1 threat
Net Total: 0 successes, 1 Advantage. A Boost is passed to the next ally.

The Sergeant, seeing Cal throwing the grenade, "Take out the big one, troopers!" He called to the Minions engaging with Kor, before firing off his heavy blaster rifle at Cal. The heavy wall that Cal has hidden behind manages to protect him from it, however, the amount of fire it takes, breaks down the improvised structure (3 advantage to break the barrier clem is carrying).
Maneuver: Tactical Direction to the Stormtrooper Minions for a Boost
Strain Maneuver: Aim
Action: Fire!

Stormtrooper Sergeant Firing at Cal (Agility 3, Ranged - Heavy 2, Setback from Weather, 3 Setback from Defense, 2 "strain" to Aim, Boost from Death Trooper, Medium Range): 2eP+1eA+2eB+2eD+4eS 0 successes, 3 advantage

The Stormtroopers continue their dance with Kor, as vibroknives slash and cut, lunging and parrying with their knives as they work and aim their slashes.

Stormtrooper Minion 1 Knifing Kor (Strength 3, Melee Minion Skill (2 remaining), Average Difficulty, Boost from Sergeant Tactical Direction, aiming as maneuver, Setback from Weather. Damage 4, Crit 2, Pierce 2, Vicious 1): 1eP+2eA+2eB+2eD+1eS 2 successes
ImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImage (1 more point after Soak to Kor)

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Re: [EM8] - Clogs in the Machine

Postby Yara Suhr » Sat Nov 03, 2018 3:04 am

Yara ducks away from the concrete fragments shattering from Clem's lifting clamps, tucking herself behind a chunk of debris on the ground, and hoping that plus her old snow-colored Hoth gear will make her a bit harder to shoot. Then she levels her pistol and carefully squeezes off a shot at the Stormtrooper sergeant...

... which flies laughably wide. But the bright flash as it vaporizes a piece of rebar near the sergeant's feet does succeed in dazzling the enemy troopers, creating an opening the other resistance fighters might exploit...

Maneuver to take cover
Maneuver to aim (2 strain)
Action: pew!

D8 EM--Snow fite rnd 2, shoot sergeant at Medium, no cold setback: 2eP+1eA+1eC+1eD 2 failures, 3 advantage

1 advantage to boost next ally, 2 adv to boost Clem's next roll (give 'em the clamps!)

Soak 3
Defense 3R (cover, Leo's orders)/1M
Wounds 12/12
Strain 9/13
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Re: [EM8] - Clogs in the Machine

Postby CLL-MT9 » Sat Nov 03, 2018 8:00 am

Clementine was once told by a criminal associate that he was inexorable. He had responded "You are probably right. I can not remember having ever been exorated even once."

Clementine has since forgotten this exchange. If that associate was here to see him today, however (instead of having met a bad end on the Ring of Kafrene), she might have considered herself proven right. Having picked up a hugely heavy piece of construction material, he has not broken his steady, earth-pounding lope across the battlefield towards his enemies, even as his servos whined in the cold. The barrier's disintegration under heavy fire neither speeds nor slows his advance. He just thumps forward through the haze of dust and smoke, chunks of ferroplast bouncing off his chassis.

He feels something he hasn't felt in a while, during a recent past where there was no shortage of violence, but most of it solitary, brutish, and short: an armed drunk tossed from the bar. Extortion thwarted or performed by a quick bit of bone-breaking in an alleyway. Parking disputes.

This is different. It's hardly the deadly mechanical coordination and firmware-deep cohesion of a Gotra hit squad, but it's even further from Clementine facing off alone against some back-street hoodlum with a vibro-shiv. It's... nice. If he was the more thoughtful sort, he might have found himself meditating on that as he crosses the final meters between him and the enemy. He is not.

He clotheslines the sergeant with one loading claw swept wide, sending him thumping to the dirt. He skids to a stop just past the man and turns, a looming figure with a backdrop of flames and dirty smoke.

[2 strain to double maneuver to Engaged with the sarge; Sarge should roll against Fearsome 1]

Clog, punch sergeant (adv 1), chilly, boost from Yara: 1eP+4eA+1eB+1eC+1eD+1eS 4 successes, 2 advantage

5 base+4 successes= 9 damage before soak. Use 2 advantage to Knockdown. Unless he's ko'd, in which case, 1 for boost to next character, 1 to "notice an important point in the ongoing battle" (is there a twist incoming? Reinforcements? etc.) or, if that's N/A, heal 1 strain.

Soak: 8 (10 vs Strain)
Wounds: 0/17
Strain: 2/12
Defense: 1R (jooba worm still?)

Flip destiny if auto-fired at, otherwise not. Durable talent means -10 to crits, at my option.

Combat stats and ghosting instructions
Profile | Loadlifter Droid | Big | Strong | Battered | Slow of Speech | Looms
Works for Kaneesa Gee, Bouncer for the Wookiee's Codpiece
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Posts: 162
Joined: Thu Aug 30, 2018 6:02 pm


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