Morning Belle (Day 1 Late Morning)

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Re: Morning Belle (Day 1 Late Morning)

Post by Kai Wryssald » Sun Oct 14, 2018 11:46 am

"No way on knowing unless we ask them." Kai replied with a easy smile. "And if nothing else we can always push it into a vote." They would just need to convince Lena then.

"I suppose its help out case if we had a few beaches in mind though. Ones that might be good for laying low."

Re: Morning Belle (Day 1 Late Morning)

Post by Cefey Raneth » Sat Oct 13, 2018 8:03 pm

"I've seen beaches in holos. It looks so nice~" she cooed wistfully and stretched her arms behind her head. "White sand, sun, warm weather, and water to swim in... and people often have drinks from some kind of hard-looking fruit too."

Fey tilted her head to the side with a thoughtful expression on her face. "I wonder how they would take that idea of a place to lay low. They might like a remote mountainside better."

Re: Morning Belle (Day 1 Late Morning)

Post by Kai Wryssald » Sat Oct 13, 2018 2:54 pm

"Only on the big dangerous mountains. Others can be more cozy, with trees and streams, quite nice for hiking, and relaxing." His lips curled into a sly smirk. "They can get a bit chilly though, so it's best to bring along someone you like when you visit the mountains." Snuggling in a cabin always seemed nice, though he'd only really seen it in holos.

"A beach would probably be better though, I think you'd like a beach." Did they have beaches on this planet? They almost had to have one somewhere. "Maybe we can talk to Jelna, and Lena about visiting one."

Re: Morning Belle (Day 1 Late Morning)

Post by Cefey Raneth » Sat Oct 13, 2018 1:37 pm

"That would be ideal, I think." She liked to travel, but she also wanted to be able to live somewhere else that wasn't a ship. "Oh! A beach! I've never been to one - I think that would be cool. Not so sure about mountains though... isn't it risky? Like, people can fall down?"

Mountains wasn't something she had experience with either.

Re: Morning Belle (Day 1 Late Morning)

Post by Kai Wryssald » Sat Oct 13, 2018 3:00 am

"Yeah, or some time anywhere really. Just to get our feet under us for a while." Being on the move all the time could be exhausting, both physically and mentally. With Imperials here though, they couldn't risk lingering all that long. "Maybe if we find a good job here we can afford to lay low for a bit."

He smirked. "Maybe somewhere with a nice beach or something. Or mountains? I dunno what I'd like better really."

Re: Morning Belle (Day 1 Late Morning)

Post by Cefey Raneth » Fri Oct 12, 2018 7:53 pm

Fey cast a look around the bazaar. There was probably a place around here where one could purchase a companion, but... no, that was something on her list of never-gonna-do.

"This place? Yeah, you're right." She sighed and adjusted the placement of her lekku over her shoulders. "Would be nice if we could spend some time here though, instead of being on the go all the time."

Re: Morning Belle (Day 1 Late Morning)

Post by Kai Wryssald » Fri Oct 12, 2018 12:43 pm

It took a moment for kai's brain to start functioning a gain, but he spoke up soon enough. "Maybe?" Kai offered, perhaps a bit wary about bringing others close to their little group. "She could likely use a bit of time unwinding."

He looked around the area. "I guess I just dont know if this is really the place to go looking."

Re: Morning Belle (Day 1 Late Morning)

Post by Cefey Raneth » Fri Oct 12, 2018 4:35 am

"Mmm," her teeth brushed against her lower lip in a gentle bite. "Now I wonder what it's like when you pull out all the stops..."

A brief giggle, then she looked away. "... should we see if we can find someone for our Dear? I think she could use some help in unwinding a bit." Babe probably needed it too, but she didn't have the heart to suggest that so soon.

Re: Morning Belle (Day 1 Late Morning)

Post by Kai Wryssald » Thu Oct 11, 2018 7:15 pm

"That sounds like a wonderful idea, Honey." He breathed his mouth going a bit dry. Fey could be damn seductive when she wanted to be.

Still he didnt try to put any distance between them, enjoying for now the closeness. "I suppose that means I'll have to pull out all the stops though."

Re: Morning Belle (Day 1 Late Morning)

Post by Cefey Raneth » Thu Oct 11, 2018 4:33 pm

Her arm hooked around his elbow as she pulled him in a little closer. "Then surprise me," her voice was almost a whisper, "and I'll surprise you, Darling."

Re: Morning Belle (Day 1 Late Morning)

Post by Kai Wryssald » Thu Oct 11, 2018 3:47 pm

Kai would have to admit he enjoyed when Fey used her accent, but then most guys enjoyed a lovely woman with a cute accent.

His lips drew into a smirk, and he laughed lightly at her response, as his hand drifted to her waist. "Its always a joy to see you dressed up, Fey. So it sounds like a lovely idea to me. I'll look forward to it."

Re: Morning Belle (Day 1 Late Morning)

Post by Cefey Raneth » Thu Oct 11, 2018 1:22 pm

The twi'lek flashed him a smile. "Ah, je would be delighted, monsieur," she put on the heavy Rylothian accent that she used with others. It was one she had abandoned with the crew, as her way of distancing herself from that part of her life, but it served as a good cover with outsiders.

"Dinner and dancing sound very good. Gives me a reason to dress up a bit too, oui?" Fey chuckled, her hand moving up to brush some of Kai's hair from his face.

Re: Morning Belle (Day 1 Late Morning)

Post by Kai Wryssald » Wed Oct 10, 2018 10:02 pm

"True." He offered the pretty twi'lek a lopsided smile. "Would you care to join me for dinner or drinks sometime soon then, Miss Raneth?" He asked in his best attempt at a southern accent.

"Or maybe you want to try your hand at teaching me how to dance again?"

Re: Morning Belle (Day 1 Late Morning)

Post by Cefey Raneth » Wed Oct 10, 2018 9:35 pm

"She really is," Fey agreed. Jelna always had a funny feeling to her, but the twi'lek had figured that was partly because she felt a little intimidated by Jelna occassionally. Or most of the time when they first met.

With the comment of the company of the crew, she couldn't help but to chuckle and smile. "Ah well, the company can always move other places, yes? Even if the lounge area of the ship is much nicer now than when we first started out. You know I'm always happy to go out somewhere." There was a small nudge to his side as she said that.

Re: Morning Belle (Day 1 Late Morning)

Post by Kai Wryssald » Wed Oct 10, 2018 8:53 pm

"You might be right about that." He replied with a soft chuckle. "Jelna is good at looking into places that are a bit... strange."

"I suppose I'll have to make my way into one of them sooner or later though. I can't spend all my time drinking in the ship after all. Even with as good company you and the others are."

Re: Morning Belle (Day 1 Late Morning)

Post by Cefey Raneth » Wed Oct 10, 2018 5:25 pm

She gave a nod. It wouldn't be the first time they'd had to compete with other bounty hunters, and it probably wouldn't be the last.

"Not leads for work as such. Or maybe. There's a bar around here, called the Wookie's Codpiece... whatever that is. Seemed like the kind of place to get shady jobs though." Fey shrugged a little. "I don't know, I got a funny vibe from that place. Babe would probably be better at scouting it out, I think."

Re: Morning Belle (Day 1 Late Morning)

Post by Kai Wryssald » Wed Oct 10, 2018 4:18 pm

"Yeah." He glanced around. "There doesn't seem much in the way of law enforcement to put forth bounties. From what I've seen there are probably more then a couple bounty hunters here already as well." It meant chances for work might be slim to say the least.

"Agreed." He offered with a flash of a smile. "On that note have you found any interesting leads? You seem to have done more exploring around here then I have."

Re: Morning Belle (Day 1 Late Morning)

Post by Cefey Raneth » Wed Oct 10, 2018 11:15 am

"I see... you know better than I what those sort is like, I'll wager," she nodded, as usual willing to accept the others' experience as a good indicator. "Courier work might be good work to do while we're here, since I don't think it will be too many bounties around here. Or even a big fat one that will have us set for months."

The planet overall seemed a little dull, apart from it's local hive of scum and villainy - which they were more or less strolling in now, seeing as Providencetown seemed to live up to such a description. "Doesn't hurt to look into other jobs, right?"

Re: Morning Belle (Day 1 Late Morning)

Post by Kai Wryssald » Tue Oct 09, 2018 10:51 pm

He shrugged. "Close as I can call it, but i'm not really a expert on people." He was probably about as far from a expert on it as you could be honestly.

"Well, those type liek to stick their noses into others business, even after retirement, as far as I've seen at least." And they seemed to like people keeping out of their business. "As for the work, courier work was what was mentioned. I'm not sure how much it pays or how dangerous it might be, but moving things around can't be too bad. Not if the pay is right at least."

Re: Morning Belle (Day 1 Late Morning)

Post by Cefey Raneth » Tue Oct 09, 2018 10:36 pm

"Lost, huh..." Fey wasn't so sure about that. Or rather... Jelna was probably the most lost of them. Lena, not so much. Fey wasn't lost as such - more like she wasn't sure exactly what she wanted to do when they would eventually leave this kind of gig behind.

The nudge at least put her at ease. "Heh... how bad can it be? I mean, being a marshall on a planet like this must be the same as being a mall-cop on Corellia or something. I'm not too worried. But what kind of work did you hear was available there?"
